Another Help Me Fill This Tank Thread


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
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O.K. so I'm starting to get fish out of my 30 gallon and put them in my 75 gallon that I've had set up for about 3 weeks.

What I have currently are:

3 pearl gouramis
7 tiger barbs
8 white cloud tetras
5 leopard danios
4 of some type of skinny silver tetra I don't know the name of. My son liked them and we got them.
4 cories, or cory's whoever its spelled.
1 red tail shark

I plan on getting 2 more leopard danios and 3 more of the anonymous tetras to "even" out their numbers at 7 since that seems to be whats typically recommended.

Thinking of 3 or 4 more cory to help with the food that hits the bottom and maybe 5 to 7 of those little algae eaters that max out at about 1.5" long.

Also thinking of getting 3 more female gouramis of similar size to the pearls.

I know about the 1 gallon per inch rule but it seems inaccurate as these fish all seem to occupy different levels of the tank. So, I come to you experts with my plan and see how you think it will work.

Would love to pick up 7 more albino or green tiger barbs but have a feeling that will definately overstock.

Opinions good and bad wanted, thank you.

Forgot to mention I've got 2 big pieces of wood, 3 large rocks and lots of live plants in the aquarium.

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