Another game...story time!

The upset nurses try CPR. He has been revived!
But he is scarred for life, for what the cops had done.
He looked down and burst into tears
Billy tells the nurse his feet don't need replacing but he does have some pain in his back where he was shot, he presses the morphine button and feels relief as the medication takes away the pain.
Over the next few weeks he recovers, when his mom visits him in the recovery ward ...
The story so far...

There once was a man from Nantucket... He lived in a giant bucket. Who on is forehead there was a big crease, and he has a secret affiliation with geese. He pays the geese to spy on his daughter.

The goose leader was actual a duck named Billy Wingdum, and he wore a cape made of chicken feathers. The feathers were black and pink. A fashion designer saw the Cape and asked him if he would star in a fashion show..Billy Wingdum thought about the idea of starring in a fashion show, he thought long and hard about it before saying..."I've always wanted to be famous! I'll do it!" "Now how much are you going to pay me for being in your show?"

The designer replied in a very snobby tone "$5 per hour"
What??!!! Billy replied
"My show costs a lot to run so I simply cant afford to pay you more..."
Billy says "Well then I am not going to do it"

The designer gets very angry and throws a tantrum. Billy stares in shocked horror at his immaturity. Then laughs maniacally before saying "I will do it for $5.00, but only because I am a nice guy, and I like my picture being in the paper", but you will owe me a favor as well, a favor I will collect at some later date. Bwah Hah hah haa haa.

As the clock strikes 12.. it’s midnight in Gothicsville

The designer looks up tearfully. "Really?" He says.
Billy says "nope just kidding"
The designer ran off angrily and was never seen again...

Later that night...A few hours passed and Billy Wingdum is walking home splashing about in puddles like ducks do, when a copper walks up to him and says "wanna doughnut?"
Billy thanks the officer and gladly accepts a cream filled donut, but while the copper is offering the donut, Billy pulls out a club and whacks the officer on the noggin and steals his Credit card (CC). He heads to the store to buy two dozens donuts with the CC...

Just then. as he returns to Gothicsville…
A car comes speeding at him out of nowhere, he barely manages to dodge the crazy driver who yells out "get out of the way you stupid goose". He is very could that driver call him a stupid goose. Is he really stupid? Billy is not even a goose and becomes infuriated as steam comes out of his ears, he yells back at the motorist "I will seek vengeance on you like the hand of god striking you down, infidel"

The woman walking past him gives a very shocked look and covers her child's ears so he does not hear.

His two dozen donuts are now spewed all over the street.

The driver suddenly stopped and sped back towards Billy. Billy pulls out a disintegration ray he keeps in his back pack and shoots the motorist's vehicle making it disappear, leaving the driver sitting on the wet road in his underwear. At that moment the cops come by and arrest the motorist for indecent exposure.

Billy then ran across the road and hugged one of the cops. He then gave the CC back to the cops and then gave the officer a squished donut that was on the street.

The cops then started shooting at him, he almost died but he managed to stumble to the hospital. But the hospital ran away from him. It was a magic hospital with feet.
Billy says there is no such thing as a magical hospital, he must be hallucinating due to the shock of being shot, he grabs the hospital door and swings it open before staggering inside and collapsing on the floor in a pool of bloody feathers.

The flabbergasted nurses rush to his aid, but...he died. A doctor yells out, "don't touch him, we are not covered for veterinary treatments". The upset nurses try CPR. He has been revived! But he is scarred for life, for what the cops had done.

Out of nowhere a bunny jumped out and ate his feet. He looked down and burst into tears. Billy wakes up suddenly and looks at his feet, they were still there and he was only dreaming, at least about his feet.

The nurse then replaced his feet with cybernatic feet. Billy tells the nurse his feet don't need replacing but he does have some pain in his back where he was shot, he presses the morphine button and feels relief as the medication takes away the pain. The nurse then transform to a clown, known as Pennywise. Billy tells the nurse "no more morphine, I am tripping out too much".

Over the next few weeks he recovers. When his mom visits him in the recovery ward ...the receptionist looks at billy’s wallet and discovers, after looking at his rabies vaccination certificate, that his name is Colin. dum dum dahhhh....
Billy thinks to himself "silly Fishmanic, ducks don't get rabies".
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Choose your own adventure time.

Press 1 if you want Barry's response and the hero dies.
Press 2 if you want the story to continue with the following statement.

a doctor yells out, "don't touch him, we are not covered for veterinary treatments"
It's like Sophies Choice

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