Fish Fanatic
Jeez, I know you people are probably getting sick of these, lol. Anyway, I got my tank on Monday. So far so good, I guess. Couple days later after moving decorations around and having to replace the air bubble strip thingy ma bob (first one I bought was faulty), the tank got cloudy. So, I ended up taking about 3 gallons out of the tank and putting new water in. It helped for a little bit but the tank was still cloudy. Then I thought I should take out more water. Well, I sadly kept forgetting about it. Was going to do it sometime today but then power went out. It was out for almost 6-7 hours. Now the tank is clearing up. I've been told by one person to do a water change for the cloudy water then another person told me to leave it alone. Now that the power was out for so long I am kind of wondering if the cycling process got messed up. I don’t have a testing kit right now because well I just can’t afford it currently (will have to wait for the money to come in). The tank doesn't have a heater either right now. Should this be something I should be concerned about or not worry about it? I've also been adding tiny pinches of food the last couple of days too, to help the process.