So about a month ago i saw three unhealthy, near death, overflowing wiht parasites angelfish at petsmart and knew i had to save them.
I had a 25 gallon at home with 80% of water that has been cycled and contained new fry, of convict chiclids, I put all three juvenile angels into the tank, at first they wouldnt eat and i learned that they ate fry and sure enough after two nights all the fry were gone. i then raised the tank Temp to 85 degrees annd fed the angels a constant diet of live baby guppies for a week. i also did 10% water changes every day for a week. by the end of the week all the angels were healthy and eating normally. I had 1 white angel, 1 black angel, and 1 angel that was mixed. the white angels top fin was really shreded but within two weeks it grew and now looks buetifull. but the mixed angel that used to have a perfect topfin, its topfin started to lose big pieces at an alarming rate. now the mixed angel has no top fin.
what should i do
I had a 25 gallon at home with 80% of water that has been cycled and contained new fry, of convict chiclids, I put all three juvenile angels into the tank, at first they wouldnt eat and i learned that they ate fry and sure enough after two nights all the fry were gone. i then raised the tank Temp to 85 degrees annd fed the angels a constant diet of live baby guppies for a week. i also did 10% water changes every day for a week. by the end of the week all the angels were healthy and eating normally. I had 1 white angel, 1 black angel, and 1 angel that was mixed. the white angels top fin was really shreded but within two weeks it grew and now looks buetifull. but the mixed angel that used to have a perfect topfin, its topfin started to lose big pieces at an alarming rate. now the mixed angel has no top fin.

what should i do