Angelfish Top Fin *please Help*


New Member
May 19, 2013
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So about a month ago i saw three unhealthy, near death, overflowing wiht parasites angelfish at petsmart and knew i had to save them.
I had a 25 gallon at home with 80% of water that has been cycled and contained new fry, of convict chiclids, I put all three juvenile angels into the tank,  at first they wouldnt eat and i learned that they ate fry and sure enough after two nights all the fry were gone. i then raised the tank Temp to 85 degrees annd fed the angels a constant diet of live baby guppies for a week. i also did 10% water changes every day for a week. by the end of the week all the angels were healthy and eating normally. I had 1 white angel, 1 black angel, and 1 angel that was mixed. the white angels top fin was really shreded but within two weeks it grew and now looks buetifull. but the mixed angel that used to have a perfect topfin, its topfin started to lose big pieces at an alarming rate. now the mixed angel has no top fin.
what should i do
Hi there, You made quite a bad mistake of saving the angels. You may have put them more in danger than they were in the store. Someone with a more suitable tank would have taken them am sure.
25 Gallon is far too small for angels, I would put angels in a 50gallon min tank as these guys get quite big! Also, You shouldn't put 3 in a tank as two may pair and that would leave one angel out to suffering bullying issues.
Also, 85 Degrees is overkill in terms of heating. That's way too high I think for fish. What is the temp now?
Also, I think am missing something but why did you do a 80% water change with cycled water? Wasn't the tank cycled when you put the fish in there?
And why the 10% water change as well?
Quite a bit of a mess you've put yourself into, The fin issue could be fin rot but it's hard to tell from the photo.
^Agreed. From the sounds of it, you brought home three angels that are now passing around fin rot.  I would try and get a better pic.  Sometimes stress can cause fin issues with angels too, so that could be it.  Fin rot will cause white, slimy edges on the fins.
Im sorry i meant the tank was filled with 80% water and then i dded 20% new cured tap water, the angels are still juvenilles, the water Ph is 7.5, amonia and nitrate levels are stable, theres not much algae and i do 20% water change weekly, angels can live in water temp up to 90, the reason i had at 85 was to kill parasites the angels were carrying, at the moment they are parasite free, ill try to get more photos
For a few seconds in that video, it looked like there was some chasing or nipping. I think it was the marbled one who chased after the black one. Keep an eye on the tank for any aggression. If there is any aggression, I'd say that the diseases from the tank are just being made worse by the stress of being bullied. Fin rot is usually more of a symptom than an actual disease. You usually see it after something serious is going on, such as poor water quality or infection. Can you return the fish? It sounds like you don't have a suitable tank waiting for them. Twenty-five is way too small for them.

Also, 85 is the ideal breeding temp for any sort of parasite. If bring it down to around 80 or 82, as only wild angels can live in 90 degree water. These farm raised ones are conditioned to the lower eighties.
You've got some aggression issues. They clearly don't have fin rot, which is good. It might be bc there is 3 of them, in which case 2 can gang up on the third. Watch to see if it's the same ones bullying every time, if it's just aggression all the way around, I would say you have ammonia in your tank. What do you mean by stable? The only level that is safe with ammonia and nitrite are 0.

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