Angelfish Question


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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Sadly, I lost one of the six angelfish I had in my 90, and had to move the aggressive pair out. I'm left with three juvenile angelfish in the 90 gallon. I believe (Only based on head shape and disposition, no promises) The most grown is a male, and the two smaller are females. They all get along by what I can see, only nipping at each other during feedings. Would it be humane to have only the three in the tank? I would hate to add in 3 or 4 more and restart the whole aggression issue, but if it's best for the fish, I could try it.
sometimes  the females in my tanks got aggressive when they were breeding or I don't know trying to find a mate. It is so hard to find out what their sex is. I could have sworn I had a male and bought 2 more large angels and now think they are all females. and mine is 55 gal so I have heard 10 gal per fish is the best and at least 7 per fish is the least so maybe try to sex one so you can have 4 the males will pair off by themselves ..
There's no guarantee of pairing.  If I were you, I'd leave the three as they are and see if they pair off.  It may be that you need to re-home the odd one out, otherwise you could be going through the whole paired off aggression cycle again, have to move the pair to another tank, get in some more angels to make up the numbers and repeat.
if they are getting along I wouldn't change a thing. The 'nipping' is more than likely them sorting out the hierarchy and if they've settled into that then adding more angels will likely upset that.
As Far_King says ... if you've sexed correctly there could be a pairing eventually but you know the signs of this :) 
Leave. Introducing Angels to an established group is very hit and miss. 50% chance of the the residents or the introduced fish becoming bullied to death in my experience.
Okay, thank you guys! I was hoping they'd be okay with how they are right now. 

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