Angelfish Problem


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2013
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May have a problem with one of my new angelfish, i may be looking into it too much but dont want any fish to suffer.
At the weekend i bought 3 new angelfish, not babies, look like teenage but not yet adult if you know what i mean.
Two of them are almost identical, and one slightly larger with different colorings. Yesterday i noticed one of the pair is hiding most of the time whilst the other two are happily swimming around the tank. On closer inspection the fish is breathing rapidly compared to the other two, mouth wide open and gills going likle hell and also a red tinge to the inside of its gills. No sign of fungus or white spots etc. The fish is still feeding.
Tank Specs:
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate between 20-40
GH 180
KH 100
pH 7
temp between 25.5-26 oC
All tests done with an api master test kit except the GH and KH done with api strips.
Tank mates, 10 neon tetra, 8 serpae tetra, 4 cory catfish, two small common plecos and 2 golden balloon rams.
No sign of bullying or fin nipping.
Tanks been running for a month, cycled with mature media and readings been stable for 3 weeks. Two 25% water changes a week.
Spoke to the shop at which i bought the fish and he said the KH may be a little too high for them and also if the two happy fish have paired off then this one may be stressed due to lonliness.
Any input would be appriciated.
Fish have no KH requirements. It is a measure of alkalinity. This is related to holding pH stable. GH numbers are normally more of an issue than KH as GH contributes more solids to the water.
If the 3rd angel isn't ill, I would bet its the other two intimidating it.

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