Angelfish Help

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May 16, 2012
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So I've been looking into angelfish recently, and I cannot find any reliable information. I would just go ahead and use sensible judgment but I've got it wrong before.


So I see they prefer acidic to neutral water with the temperature of 24-30°C.
I was thinking the Juwel Rio 180 may be good for them? Heavily planted, couple of rocks, slate and a piece or two of bog wood.
(I would go bigger or even second hand but money is tight! I haven't had any work for over a month :( I will Obviously go bigger if a second hand chance arises but I live in a small town and I don't drive)

Tank mates for 4-6 angelfish, I was thinking 2 rams, a shoaling fish?, shrimp? Or anything else anyone can suggest? Hoping to get a mix of colours in there.

Every time I get fish, I always want to breed them. How do you go about breeding angelfish? Also, does anyone know how to sex them?

Thanks! :D
Domestic bred angels will adapt to just about any water conditions, they breed just fine in my water, pH 7.6, gH near 200. They do like it warmer, 27C is a good temperature for them, pick tankmates that like it a bit warmer. That tank should work fine.

This article has saved me a lot to retyping over the years, any additional questions feel free to ask! :)
Cheers Tolak! :)

Probably go with Glowlights or Cardinals as for shoaling fish.

I'll give the article a good read too.

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