i have 5 angelfish in my 200litre tank 2 are quite big. ive noticed a few fish dying (half eaten), a pair of ram cichilids, mollies, a purple neon and 5 other small fish with little red finns. Am i right in thinking its the angelfish killing them ?
its not a brand new tank had fish in before, temperatures 26, has an internal fluval plus 3 filter and an external fluval 205 filter, a 150w fluval heater and an air pump. i feed the fish flakes, frozen blood worm & frozen brine shrimp, also algae things, theres a few catfish and bristle nose & 1 red tail shark.
whats the cycling practices ?
ive had the fish in for 2 months, ive changed a 3 rd of the water 3 times
so the tank was started 2 months ago? That is when you first introduced fish?
Have a look at the beginners section and read the links about cycling. At the moment I'm thinking more that the fish are dying because of ammonia or nitrite levels in the water rather than the angels being killers.