Angel getting munched help!

fish troll

New Member
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, CA
EEEEEEEEEk :-( I just went in and turned on my tank light and my angel fish's fins are getting munched on and even some of it is bloody?! IS THAT POSSIBLE!? SO i took the two suspects out ( a gourami and rainbow fish ) and put them in a different tank and now the angels just in there with a floating cat, tetra, cori, and some weird little community fish that dont do anything....but what should I do? I know the angel fish isnt feeling well because of it, and I already poured some salts in there to help keep the chance of stress down. Please help -_- thnx
Tetracycline helped my angelfish when she had fin rot.... BUT, it turns the water a horrible shade of red. I don't know exactly how long it takes for the red coloring to fade because I ended up moving my angels from the tank (before it faded).

But, the stuff does work. You might want to try it. ;)
I would imagine that if it happend overnight then its going to be one of the fish and probably going to be your gourami. Angel fish are so delicate and their fins are so long and fragile that they have a hard time getting away from another fish that is chasing them making them vulnerable. I also had the same problem with fancy tail guppies all of them were killed off overnight and their tails were down to the nub. :sad:
Thanks for everyone's suggestions-It was not fin rot but I guess ill just wait and see if they start to heal up...The angel is just as hungry and lively as ever so I think things will work out...Those other two attackers though I'm giving to a friend cuz i cant stand to see my angel get munched! :no:

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