Angel Fish?

Thanks guys for the quickest reply i have ever seen cheers.

Do you reckon i could have a few bolivan rams for tank mates with these angels(4ft) tank?
Should be okay but I am sure a cichlid expert can give you a difinitive. Youtube shows angels and rams living in harmony. Try google?
I did a bit of research for you and found these sites. They say they should be fine. SHOULD being the word as every fish is differant with its own wacky personality.

and a thread from this very forum which members say the pair will be fine together.

Hope this helps

Yes fine tankmates :good: kept them together myself
Pretty sure their requirements are very similar, love Rams as tank mates :) go for it!
Thanks guys i currently stock 3 angel fish due to one of them dieing :(

So what im going to get is

1 more Angelfish
2 bolivan rams prefered male and female but doesnt bother as there such beautiful fish
6 cories

Does this sounds good?
Thanks guys
I keep 6 angels and 6 bolivians in a 4 foot tank. The only time they interact is when the bolivians steal the frozen blood worm cubes :)

how big is your tank? 4 angels may work.....but maybe not if a pair forms and become overtly territorial.
are its a 4ft tank

thank to everyone who replied

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