Angel Fish!!!


Al Bundy
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 12, 2003
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i'v got an 180 (approx) litre tank, it's 18.6 inches high, and i would like to know if it high enough to fit angel fish???? also, how many should i get if i want them to pair off, and would angel's survive with neon tetras, zebra danios, guppies and a silver sharks??? thanks :unsure:
If I were you, I would get 5 or 6 young angels, about 3" and watch them grow. You should get a pair that will live happily together when they mature and when young they prefer company. They will usually stick together for up to a year before they start to carve out territories.
I am guilty of keeping neons with angels but would be hesitant to recommend keeping them together once the angels are more than 6 months old. I know my neons are doing ok, but I cant speak for others that have different experiences.

The other fish you mention will live happily with angels but I prefer to keep fish native to each continent seperate as its easier than trying to find a happy medium with fish that have different preferences. In fact I am downright prejudiced against mixing them and would not have even asian plants in my south american tank if I could help it! most people are more reasonable though!
I can recommend peaceful dwarfs such as Apistogramma and Rams.


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