Angel Fish Questions


Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
California, USA
I have a 55 gallon tank that I will soon be setting up. I have been in the hobby for about a year and a half and this will be my fourth tank. I was thinking about what to put in it and thought angels would be a good choice. I have never had angels before but from what I have seen from them is angels fighting each other. Could I keep about four angels in this tank and if I can will they fight? I've read from books and the internet and I've gotten mixed reviews so I thought I'd ask some people who have owned these lovely fish. Any help is greatly appreciated!
about 6 would be better to help disperse aggression and such. I'm not so sure about 4.
Even better! I only asked about for because I wasn't sure if I could keep that many in the tank :p
55 gallons (assuming it's a standard 4 foot) is perfect for a group of 6. you could also fit in some schooling fish and whatnot.
Yes it is a standard four foot. One book I have told me that less than four would need no less than 75 gallons but I thought that seemed a bit off. Thank you for the help!
i have 4 in my 330L tank 54" long, i have been told i can easily get 6 in there maybe even 8 :) but angels are really gd looking fish :) defo recommend them, best thing i love them for is they follow me around the room,tank its so cute :D

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