Fish Crazy
I have a mature angel fish who has been in this tank for approx. 1yr now. I've owned him for possibley 2yrs + all up. He has a red lip, red behind the mouth, red along the crest of his top fin. He's not under weight, not showing signs of stress, constipation and is eating fine. The red seems to fade a little over night then by the arvo its back. He's living in a 200L 4ft (very high) planted tank with sand substrate, temp 26deg (roughly...my thermometre broke over the weekend and I won't be able to get another until this weekend. Water stats all normal (Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, pH 7) <- forgive me if I've mixed up the Nitrite and Nitrate. Tank mates include one lonesome female betta, four khulis and one lonesome pepper cory. Yesterday I removed 5 neons, 3 albino corys and two male guppies.
I recently had a bacterial infection go through my sorority of female bettas due to poor water quality (my own fault but it couldn't be helped - looong story!). This seems to have been fixed with weekly 20% water changes (basically doing what I should've been doing). There doesn't seem to be sores on him, it's as if it's coming from within. I suspected internal bacterial infection? I have treated with Tri-Sulpha tabs (lfs suggestion) and really think it's done squat!
It's been going on for about two weeks now, basically since I thought I was out of the woods with my tank issue. Can anyone help me? Like I said he behaves fine, I just don't want to wake up to a dead 'Rocky'
EDIT: I will mention external filter and over the weekend I added an air stone thinking it may help?
I recently had a bacterial infection go through my sorority of female bettas due to poor water quality (my own fault but it couldn't be helped - looong story!). This seems to have been fixed with weekly 20% water changes (basically doing what I should've been doing). There doesn't seem to be sores on him, it's as if it's coming from within. I suspected internal bacterial infection? I have treated with Tri-Sulpha tabs (lfs suggestion) and really think it's done squat!
It's been going on for about two weeks now, basically since I thought I was out of the woods with my tank issue. Can anyone help me? Like I said he behaves fine, I just don't want to wake up to a dead 'Rocky'

EDIT: I will mention external filter and over the weekend I added an air stone thinking it may help?