Angel Deaths.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2012
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I had two full grown angels in my 30 gallon. I wanted to introduce more so i bought 3 juveniles. Within the first day two of the new ones died. Then the third disappeared. My guess is it got eaten. I don't believe my adult angles killed them i believe they were ill to begin with. The next day the adult angles were acting strange. It started with them staring at the corners and moving their heads back and forth like they were watching something move really fast. Then they were usually aggressive feeders and they started not even noticing when i put food in. Next, one of them suddenly died.. nothing noticeably wrong, just odd behavior. Desperate to save the last one, I did a 40% water change and put her in a tub at the top of the aquarium, tried hand feeding her with no luck.. hours later she too had died. :no:

Its really stressful trying to do everything right just to find out your doing nothing right. I'm trying to keep all my fish alive. I feel my inexperience at the beggining is causing problems for me now, now that i know more.

I'd like to know if anyone knows what might have happened. It happened so fast. My guess is the fish i purchased had something that wiped them all out. Are my other fish in danger? Its strange it was just the angels. :/ pretty stressed out.

4x mollys
2x kuhli loaches
2x panda cory cats
2x clown loaches
1x dawrf gourami

(overcrowded I know, soon to be upgrading).

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