Angel Community


Jul 4, 2013
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what fish can angelfish be with and do they have to be in a pair?
Do they have to be in a pair? No, they can be in singles.
What can they be kept with? Here are some general guidelines, they may not apply to your fish especially during breeding:
1) Fin nippers are a big no.
2) Fish that grow to big and could swallow mr angel whole are a big no.
3) fish around 1 inch or smaller could be preyed upon by adult angelfish.
In my opinion you will see the most interesting behaviours when you have a group, six or more. Obviously they need an appropriately large tank.

Typical tankmates are
- tetras selected from the chunkier species, such as cardinals and rummynoses, which won't be tasty morsels for the angels
- small cichlids like rams, which will occupy the lower part of the tank
- corys which will occupy the surface of the substrate
- hatchetfish, if you have a covered tank, as they are notorious jumpers.
Hmmm... No.

Guppies are hard water fish, some even say brackish. Angels are soft water fish.

There are also other reasons, but that is enough not to mix them.
but lets say thats not the problem what are the other reasons?
ncguppy830 said:
but lets say thats not the problem what are the other reasons?
Angels munch on guppies. NOM NOM NOM. 
Forgot to add that to list:
4) Fish with big fins may be nibbled on. 
ok guess maybe an angel only tank whats the minimun for a pair 50?
I hope you mean gallons... I have seen people keeping angels in 60 litre tanks saying "but they're small" as if they wouldn't grow...
Yup, Gallons. NCguppy is in US so I'm keeping it in her language.
I've got a breeding pair in with 12 Cory Sterbai, 10 Cherry Barbs, 1 Bristlenose and a Sailfin/Common Pleco. 260L tank. Probably wouldn't go anything smaller than Cherry Barbs but I have been keen to try Cardinals. I started with 6 and let them naturally pair then rehomed the other 4.
A 3ft tank would be adequate as a breeding tank in my opinion provided it was at least 16 inches high. I definitely would not go lower than that though.
50 Gallon would be better though if your going the community tank route.

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