Angel Breeding Pairs


New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Can anyone advise me? I purchased 2 breeding pairs of Angels a week ago today. 1 pair the gold marbles had just laid eggs the day I bought them so the breeder of course kept them. I kept them all in one tank until I set up a suitable tank for the both breeding pairs. I transferred them to their breeding tanks last Friday and on Saturday both sets of breeders had laid eggs. All the eggs turned white within 24 hours I thought maybe this was because of the journey and moving from different tanks. Today the Gold marbles have laid more eggs and I'm concerned that this will harm them in some way. 3 lots of eggs in 7 days seems an awful lot to me. Any advise would be welcome.
My angels did the same thing when I moved them from one tank to another. Are your water parameters and the breeders close to the same? Welcome to the forum! :good:
Yes his water was pretty much the same as mine. It's a relief to know it isn't just mine that have dome this lol. Hopefully it will all settle down in a few weeks. Thanks for the welcome Coleen :good:
There will be more eggs in about 2 weeks. My angels had cavier for dinner last night. We will try again in two weeks.
well I solved the puzzle as to why the eggs were all dying. Nitrite I'm embarrassed to say :crazy: I set up this tank with filter sponges from a well established tank and half the water. The other tank has 0 ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite and 30ppm nitrate. I've set up new tanks this way loads of times and had no problem. The 4 fish in a 60 gallon tank weren't in there long enough to create mass amounts of nitrite so it's still a mystery to me how it happened. :huh: Still never mind. I have the tank cycled perfectly now and the fish seem fine. Lesson learnt,never rely on old filter sponges and water from an old tank even if that seems perfect when tested. Still test your new tank. Thanks for your help folks. :lol:

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