And Now His Tail Is Ripped :0


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Ok so just noticed my halfmoon's gorgeous tail appears to be ripped. You can barely tell (honestly I can't even tell if it's 100% ripped or if I am just being crazy) but when he flares it looks like his tail is in two parts where there used to be just one, if that makes sense. Is this normal? Did he rip his tail? HELP! I love my betta but I feel like I am always just waiting for the other shoe to drop with him it's like this constant anxiety I am on here all the time reading about all the horrible things that can stressful :( I just want him to be ok!
If it is ripped, keep up your water changes to make sure the water is clean so fin rot doesn't start. His fin should heal by itself :good:

I have also heard that Melafix can help with the healing process.
I personally wouldnt use melafix at all.
No meds are needed, just keep the water clean and in a few days you will see the tear starting to disappear :) just keep a close eye that he has no other signs of rot in his fins

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