Hey there everyone! I have a bit of experince with basic plants such as amazon swords etc in my 3 litre tropical tank but im a complete novice to plants suited for cooler tanks. Basically i have just acquired a bunch of Anacharis from my local fish shop. My aim is to put it in my 30 litre Biorb Which at the mo houses 2 baby fantail goldfish (don't worry they are being moved to a larger tank that I have in just over a month). Anyway my main questions are:
Shoudl I unbunch them and remove the sponge and metal (lead?) that is currently weighing the bunch down? I'm guessing I should.
Do I let the stems float?
Is this plant suited to a Biorb?
Any advice greatly appreciated
Shoudl I unbunch them and remove the sponge and metal (lead?) that is currently weighing the bunch down? I'm guessing I should.
Do I let the stems float?
Is this plant suited to a Biorb?
Any advice greatly appreciated