ammonia problems!!!


Jan 26, 2005
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australia sydney
i have a 35gallon tank. 3 labs 3 solusi & 1 bumblebee.It's on the 4week of cycling.
How long does it tank for a full cycle and when do you know its done???
How can i bring the ammonia down and keep it there????? :crazy:
Hi Sunny,
From what I have read in this forum, it can take up to 6 weeks to cycle - sometimes longer.
All that you can do (unless you can get a bit of gravel or filter from a cycled tank) is keep going with the water changes.
Some LFS may tell you that the more you change the water the more it drags out the cycle, but if you leave it - the ammonia gets higher. IMO, I would change the water frequently to keep the ammonia down a bit.
Where are you in Sydney? There is a really great fish shop in Castle Towers near Baskin Robbins & Gourmet Pizza Kitchen - they may be able to help you with filter media or gravel...
Hope this helps...
Yep, totally agree keep up the water changes until the readings are OK, shouldn't be much longer now.
How long does it tank for a full cycle and when do you know its done???

Every tank differs slightly so patience and testing will be the key. When the tests produce negative Ammonia and Nitrite and maintain these readings, it is safe to say the tank has cycled.

How can i bring the ammonia down and keep it there

There are products on the market that can nutralise the harmful affects of Ammonia such as ammo lock but these products can also give false readings when testing. Water changes will ease the suffering on the fish who can become ill as a result of ammonia poisening.
what are your test results to see what your reading are.
There are also some products out there geared to make your tank cycle faster.


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