Amazon Sword


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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i just got an amazon sword, i heard they are easy to care for, and will they do good if natural light for about 8 to 10 hours a day, and do they need any ferts to survive (not to thrive, i am not that good at caring for plants this is my second one) i am trying out this planting fo the firt time thanks
Depends what you mean by natural light, it's a fairly variable beast, depending on location and a whole host of other things.

Generally, they melt, and then grow back (they grow them out of the water commercially and they have to get used to being back underwater again so they replace their leaves). They're fairly heavy users of micronutrients, so root tabs or one of the more basic fertilisers would be a good way to go.
I have a few amazon swords in my 125 gallon tank with only about 50 watts of light ( so 0.4 watts/gallon ) and they do just fine. They're the healthiest of my plants right now besides for maybe some small Cryps I have. The Water Sprites I also bought are starting to go a little brown and I think they'll die in the next few weeks and if so, I'll just get more Swords since I wont be dealing with C02 kits and whatnot. You dont need to fert them at least from what I've experienced
by natural light, they are literally right in front of my window. also does anyone know if anubias nana will be good for my 5 gallon aquarium and the things they need?
also for amazon sword i read they need iron? how could i get it without dosing it, because only iron i can get would be to buy from my lfs and it is way too expensive
if i do root tabs, how often will i have to change them and how many do i need? i only have 2
what does that stand for, and how many should i put? and how often should i change them?
Have a look mate, you can get them on ebay, TNC the nutrient company.

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