Amazon Frogbit Problems.

Cú Mhara

Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
I recently purchased some Amazon Frogbit from a member of this forum. It turned up in great condition but completely died within a couple of weeks of being put in my tank. I assumed it may have died off due to my filter which blew it all over the place but the guy I bought it from has informed me that his filters do the same to his Frogbit and it doesn't cause it to die. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this happened? I dosed the tank with ferts (just the mild, weekly stuff), and have 1 watt of light per gallon. The only other plants in the tank are a load of Anubias and Java Ferns tied to bogwood, and none of the fish messed with it.
I bought a load off ebay, my gourami's munched them all.
I have quite a bit of salvinia natans floating in my tank, and my filter outlet kind of swirls them around a bit, and they do fine. Not kept any frogbit yet, so I cant help with that, but you could try keeping some SN as it seems to grow great in my tank with adequate T8 lighting and dosing liquid ferts.

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