Amano Shrimp

I bought 8 for the 36 Litre tank and regularly have to hunt to see the little buggers!

I've seen these guys at my LFS superstore for what i think is a crazy price - £4+ each.

Will they be harassed by my Dwarf Gourami?

Also you said they may nibble on my plants - how much? cos i dont wanna get a few of these and find my plants get ruined.

As for Neocaridina sp. which would you recommend Bubble Bee or Red Crystal?
I bought 6 for my tank.
The were selling 6 for £10.

I hardly see mine and wish i had bought more, but when i do see them, they always amaze me, i can watch them for ages forraging around.
Amano shrimp wont bother the plants at all (most planted tank hobbyists keep them for algae control), a dwarf gourami wont bother amano/algae shrimp, though I have read from a members post here that when the females are carrying eggs the dwarf gourami was curious but he didn’t say that the shrimp were harassed. Bumble Bee or Red Crystals are too small I think for the gourami I would think especially at the size they are sold, even as adults you would hardly see them if the fish didn’t pick them to death, of the fish in your list only the ottos would be 100% dwarf shrimp safe. £4.00 isn’t a bad price for red crystals or Bee shrimp. They are close to that price in London. Amanos shouldn’t cost more than £2.50 each. The cheapest I have seen were ten for £10.00
Are you sure that they're not ghost shrimp? The cheapest i can get shrimp for is 10p each......+£10 postage. Oh and thats for brackish shrimp as well so their not much use except for feeding fish :( .
omg 10 for £10 thats almost $2 each. my lfs sells them for $.30 ea.

I think when we bought the 5 we have in our 30 gallon they were $13 all together :/ but it's the only place around here that carries them.

Also, one of our Dwarf Gouramis likes to harass the largest of the Amano Shrimp every once in a while but they just fight back and he runs away to hide lol. Just this morning two of the Amano Shrimp stole half a sinking wafer from the Cory Cats and they had not idea what to do.
You might see the shrimp appear to nibble on plants but they're actually eating the algae off them. I've seen mine do this in my planted tank - none of my plants have been harmed by them.

Mine all like to hang out on a piece of wood i have that hides the filter intake. For some reason they all hang upside down :huh:
Amano shrimp wont bother the plants at all (most planted tank hobbyists keep them for algae control), a dwarf gourami wont bother amano/algae shrimp, though I have read from a members post here that when the females are carrying eggs the dwarf gourami was curious but he didn’t say that the shrimp were harassed. Bumble Bee or Red Crystals are too small I think for the gourami I would think especially at the size they are sold, even as adults you would hardly see them if the fish didn’t pick them to death, of the fish in your list only the ottos would be 100% dwarf shrimp safe. £4.00 isn’t a bad price for red crystals or Bee shrimp. They are close to that price in London. Amanos shouldn’t cost more than £2.50 each. The cheapest I have seen were ten for £10.00

Thank you for your help, i'm still looking forward to getting some some day. But not right away, i think i'll wait till my tank is a little older and also when i can find them for a little cheaper.
Yeah I too want a few Amano Shrimp for my 5.5 gallon tank :D How many do you reckon I should get?
Around 5, but it depends what else is in the tank and the layout. Amano shrimp get pretty big compared to other shrimp and they should have space, especially to hide when they shed.
Well I also wanted some other shrimp maybe some Cherry Reds which btw anyone know how much they might cost here in the U.S? Also I might get a few Neon Tetras or guppies (more likely the tetras). I don't want to overstock it and I also want to know if these three species are compatible. :) Thanks a lot :good:

P.S. If anything Ill get like 3 Amano and 3 Cerry Reds :D
They should be perfectly compatible :) , but if you keep the cherry's with the neons you wont get any babies from them -_-
Thanks a lot T-F :D Are you saying that the Neons will eat the Cherry's babies/eggs? I don't really mind though I don't want to have my tank filled with babies :good: Anyways thanks again for the info :)
hey all
will they eat any of my guppy fry? could do with sum natural selection tbh :) if they wont what will?

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