Amano Shrimp Disappearing


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Hey, I bought 2 new amano shrimp and one disappeared the night after i got them. the other seemed really healthy and never stopped eating algae off rocks. it acted normal and looked healthy. It spent around 3 days in the tank. now it is gone. Theres no trace of either.. its a 55 gallon tank, very mature and more than enough algae. The biggest fish in the tank is a swordtail and the rest are rasboras, and guppies, and a platy. the grate for the filter is way to fine for the shrimp to go in. no fish is big enough to eat it. my only reason i could think of is if there's heavy metals in my water but that wouldn't explain why there's no evidence of them ever living or dying. they're just gone. Any ideas? thanks guys
oh yeah, sand substrate, slightly hard water and slightly basic. 
They could have escaped, or could be hiding. Or possibly eaten. I've heard they are very good at hiding, hope yours reappear soon.
unfortunately i found one dried on the floor behind my desk. it was too late. i feel terrible. my tank is 55 gallons so its a long hike from the substrate to the top. hopefully i can find the one that was lost today and revive him 
Aw I'm so sorry! 

I do hope you can find the other one.
i didnt get the other one either. its just bad timing. when doing the water change i left the water maybe half an inch higher than usual. and then forgot to put the lid down after feeding. i wonder how they get up there. i may get a bunch of ghost shrimp and a couple amanos and be more cautious. 
Aww that may have been how they get out but can't be sure :/
They do swim about so imagine it's not hard to get up to the top of the tank.
yeah i appreciate the help. ive had ghost shrimp before and they're very active. ive never had any escape from me before though. i love watching ghost shrimp

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