Am I Over Stocked?


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I have a 30 gal (36 x 12 x 18) with:
1 F Pearl Gourami
2 F Platys
4 Zebra Danios
6 Panda Corys
I've noticed lately that the Danio's are rather nippy, and I think that if they were in a  group of 6 or so the aggression would be spread out more evenly, instead of the larger two picking on the smaller two. 
I was also hoping to get another Platy or two, both female. My tank is very good at taking care of fry so they aren't a concern. 
My concern is that that may be too many fish. 
My tank is 15 gal or so over filtered but I know that doesn't give me the right to put too many more fish in it. Would it be very over stocked if I went
1 F Pearl Gourami
4 F Platys (Or three, but I would like to add more)
6 Zebra Danios
6 Panda corys
I could always just forget the platys I suppose and up the Danio's even more, to 8 maybe, but I'm still thinking that would be over stocked. (I'm paranoid about being over stocked)
Some help would be nice :) 
I dont see a problem with your setup once you add more danios, what kind of filter are you running?
a Tetra Whisper EX45, which works up to 45 gal. SO I say approx 15 gal over filtered because my 30 gal is at the bottom end of what it can handle. 
It's best to look at what the overturn of the filter is, instead of how many gallons it's made for. You always want 10x the turnover, so you want atleast 300gph. It should say on your filter, or the box if you still have it :)
greenmumma141 said:
It's best to look at what the overturn of the filter is, instead of how many gallons it's made for. You always want 10x the turnover, so you want atleast 300gph. It should say on your filter, or the box if you still have it
all depends on the fish you have, most tanks are good with 5x, 10x is a little overkill unless its cichlids (or other fish you need to overstock) or a messy fish.  A filter that does 10x might have too much flow for a tank that your putting into it.  My Aquaclear 30's do 150gph but they are rated for 30 gallons max which is 5x the rate.
Also HOB filters have a higher turnover rate, but carry far far less media then canisters.  Remember as well that most companies advertise their filter flowrate empty WITHOUT any media, Eheim is the only one I've found that offers flowrate when filled with media
phantomlink said:
It's best to look at what the overturn of the filter is, instead of how many gallons it's made for. You always want 10x the turnover, so you want atleast 300gph. It should say on your filter, or the box if you still have it
all depends on the fish you have, most tanks are good with 5x, 10x is a little overkill unless its cichlids (or other fish you need to overstock) or a messy fish.  A filter that does 10x might have too much flow for a tank that your putting into it.  My Aquaclear 30's do 150gph but they are rated for 30 gallons max which is 5x the rate.
Also HOB filters have a higher turnover rate, but carry far far less media then canisters.  Remember as well that most companies advertise their filter flowrate empty WITHOUT any media, Eheim is the only one I've found that offers flowrate when filled with media
that was a lot of great info. I never thought that my turnover might be hindered by all the media in my filters and both of them are stuffed... hmmm....  thank you phantomlink :)
I think its stocked fine, but just keep an eye on the Pleco, they are very messy fish and have a tendency to crash tanks! 
10x turnover is standard for highly planted tanks, but that turnover doesn't need to be from the filter alone, it can also be from powerheads.  The idea behind the 10x turnover is so that all the plants have access to all the nutrients in the water.  
eaglesaquarium said:
10x turnover is standard for highly planted tanks, but that turnover doesn't need to be from the filter alone, it can also be from powerheads.  The idea behind the 10x turnover is so that all the plants have access to all the nutrients in the water.  
gotcha, thank you sir :)
Your setup sounds just fine! You might want to up the danio count though, I found when I had 4 they were nippy and I always heard they did better in groups of 6-8 but that is up to you :)

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