Am I Fully Stocked Yet?


Fish Crazy
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
I know online calculators are not overly reliable, so I figured I would get the opinions of the trusty forum members here.  Looking at my tank it definitely doesn't look over crowded.  At feeding time it is very lively, but generally you have to look in order to see the fish.  It's a rather docile tank. I'm aware of potential issues with the shark and algae eater, but for now they are great fish and cause no problems. They both have actually become less aggressive as of late.
Standard 75 Gallon (will be moderately planted in the near future)
-9 Neon tetras
-6 corys
-1 rainbow shark
-1 chinese algae eater
-1 female opaline gourami
-unknown number of ghost shrimp, I'd guess around 10.
I'm hoping to up the school of corys to about 12 and add in some smaller type of pleco. Also considering adding two more female gouramis and one male.  I would like to add a bamboo shrimp for my fiance, who has a thing for shrimps.  I'm torn between upping the neon school or adding in a school of rummy nose tetras - I know it is always best to have a larger school, but I'm drawn to the rummies.
Anyways, does this seem like a good number of fish? Would I be left with any room after I complete my schools? Or am I in danger of over stocking? My filtration is good as it is, and will be getting upgraded at christmas time (thanks again to the very supportive fiance).  I don't feel it is over stocked, I just worry as I've never has this large of a tank, thus never this many fish all living together, and I also am still new to the hobby 

Sounds good to me, i personally would up he neon school and cory school to around 12 or so, and then add a albino bristle nose pleco, and then you could do a bamboo shrimp as well.
The have noticed problems with your CAE and rainbow shark yet? As they mature they may become extremely aggressive with one another or even kill eachother.
Nope, no problems with those two. They used to give each other evil eyes, but lately they have chilled out.  Not a single scuffle out of either. I'm keeping an eye on them of course, and a separate tank will be set up should any trouble arise. Had them both for almost a year now and neither have turned into the monsters they are acclaimed to be. The corys swim all over them and even steal food from under them and they each just do what I would consider an eye roll and swim off.
I'm not sure how old they are as I haven't found any useful data about their growth rates, but they are each growing at the same rate and pushing 5 inches, having put on about 2 inches in the past year. From my research this would put the shark at almost full grown (I think it is a female, but it is basically impossible to tell for sure) and the algae eater at about half grown (pretty sure it is a male do to the 'barbs' on his face). I believe the shark is a long lived fish, and I would assume the algae eater is as well as all pesty/grumpy creatures seem to be! 
 If there is going to be a big problem, I'm expecting it to be when the algae eater starts to outgrow the shark, but at this rate that could be another year or so.

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