Am I Feeding Enough?


Aug 1, 2011
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I feed my lot once a day, each day except on Tuesdays when I don't feed them at all. They get a few pinches of flake 4 days and a frozen block of whichever comes to hand, be it brieshrimp, bloodworms etc.on the two other days.
Is this enough? Being Tuesday I haven't fed them and they follow me in a big group whenever I pass the tank. They all look healthy with fab colours.
Thanks Smokyjo. They make me feel guilty each time I pass by. :rolleyes:
You're talking about starving fish that spend most of their day searching for food and finding tiny bits at a time. Your fish are not predators that swallow big meals and take several days to digest it before eating again. They would be better off with frequent small meals on a regular basis.
i feed mine two small portions daily, one before work and the other when i return but i do also have a 'starve' day i do this to ensure i'm not overfeeding or risking high amonia readings from waste food.
I skip wednesdays so that they will clear everything up if I've overfed. It works well so far as my test readings are good and my fish have been healthy up til now. No need to change it if it aint broken
Ok. Interesting. I give them a break to ensure they don't get constipated and like Smokeyjo, to give any uneaten food a chance to be eaten. I understand the little often thing though. I'll give Inchworms point some thought as it makes sense, though I find when I feed a little the same ones get the grub, whereas when I give a generous amount it gives them all a chance as the greedy ones are distracted
I feed once a day. I don't have a starve day but I'll usually forget at least one day a week or be out of the house so it equates to the same thing.
I feed once a day. I don't have a starve day but I'll usually forget at least one day a week or be out of the house so it equates to the same thing.

Its quite easy to forget lol I work all day come home and I'm so tired ill forget only sometimes tho. Its not going to kill them to miss a day or even a few in a row. Even though a few days in a row isn't ideal lol
I feed peas on my "skip" day, and whoever sticks their nose up can wait for tomorrow. I feed two times a day, but smaller amounts.
I used to have a fast day for my fish, but now I've started feeding them every day
I figure they have such a fast metabolism especially the smaller fish they need regular food.
In their natural habitat they spend most of their time looking for food, in our tanks they can't find their natural food so rely on us to provide it
Thanks for your replies guys! It can be hard to find a happy medium so i guess as long as our fish seem ok, we must be doing something right!

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