Alternative To Silver Dollars


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
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East coast of England.
We're just getting back into fishkeeping after a time away.
We used to be big odd-ballers and L-number fanatics but this time we're going for peaceful shoalers instead.
We really like silver dollars but don't have anything close to the room needed to keep them properly.
We know sod-all about characin species though so here I am looking for help.

Is there a smaller look-alike? Something with the same metallic silver colour and disc shape?
discus tetra

columbian tetras are also somewhat similar and easier to come by
Black widow tetras or the albino ones. Red eye tetras have the silver, but are not disc shaped.
Yeah. pretty much the same species we'd already come up with. Discus Tetra fit the bill best but they still need a bit more room than we've got.
We briefly toyed with the idea of Rosy Bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus) but decided not to because they're really coolwater fish and wouldn't do well in higher temperatures.

Looks like we're going for Dwarf Neon rainbows (Melanotaenia praecox) instead even though they look nothing like Silver Dollars.
Rainbows are a good choice and the good thing about them is they are so active and really do colour up, what you get from the shops is so dull compared to how they mature
Rainbows are a good choice and the good thing about them is they are so active and really do colour up, what you get from the shops is so dull compared to how they mature
I've never really been a fan 'ordinary' fish but I have to be honest, I'm really quite fond of our new rainbows. I love the way the males flash a bright yellow stripe along their dorsal & head when a female is near. I had no idea that they could colour-change so rapidly like a cuttlefish.

Their general colour is developing nicely too even though we've only had them a few days. Lovely iridescent blue.

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