All Pond Solution Filters


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Feb 22, 2011
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hi all after some reviews on external filters have 200 litre tank,use a juwel internal filter set up.
would an external be more beneficial?
any one use an All Pond Solutions '1400EF+' aquarium external filter with UV. or
any other info on other filter appreciated.
as not sure which to purchase.
thanks Andy
Externals are generally considered better; the space for filter media is so much larger.

I have All Pond Soloutions filters (three of them so far!) and highly recommend them. I've been running the 1400l for about a year now and have had no problems with it. The only (slight) downside is that the handles on the media baskets are pretty flimsy and you must fit the UV light, even if you're not going to use it, as they leak if you don't! But they're great fliters; don't let those minor things put you off :good:
Externals are generally considered better; the space for filter media is so much larger.
I have All Pond Soloutions filters (three of them so far!) and highly recommend them. I've been running the 1400l for about a year now and have had no problems with it. The only (slight) downside is that the handles on the media baskets are pretty flimsy and you must fit the UV light, even if you're not going to use it, as they leak if you don't! But they're great fliters; don't let those minor things put you off :good:
Hi thanks for info what size tank litres/ gallons do you have? not sure on 1400 or 2000 model
regards andy

I have an APS 2000EF and and very happy with it. Nice and quiet too :)

Hi thanks for info what size tank litres/ gallons do you have? not sure on 1400 or 2000 model
regards andy
I have a juwel rio 240 and I use the EF2000 and it does just nicely. Although I had to invent my own spray bar as the one that came with the filter wasn't long enough. But that's a personal gripe. Great filter, and excellent value for money. :good: don't know about that other filter you mentioned though, sorry.
I'm running both the 1400 and the 2000 on 240l tanks. I'd say go for the 2000l if you can afford it. You get LOADS of room for media; these filters are HUGE and you can turn the flow down a little bit on them, so your fish won't be swooshed all around, even with the larger model!
I'm running both the 1400 and the 2000 on 240l tanks. I'd say go for the 2000l if you can afford it. You get LOADS of room for media; these filters are HUGE and you can turn the flow down a little bit on them, so your fish won't be swooshed all around, even with the larger model!

You can change the flow??? how? lol! I don't like that mine doesn't seem very strong moving the water around as it comes out the spray bar.

Also my spray bar covers just over half the tank so seemed splenty long enough for my tank. Its about personal preference :D
I'm running both the 1400 and the 2000 on 240l tanks. I'd say go for the 2000l if you can afford it. You get LOADS of room for media; these filters are HUGE and you can turn the flow down a little bit on them, so your fish won't be swooshed all around, even with the larger model!

You can change the flow??? how? lol! I don't like that mine doesn't seem very strong moving the water around as it comes out the spray bar.

Also my spray bar covers just over half the tank so seemed splenty long enough for my tank. Its about personal preference :D

Adjust how open the shut off valve is where the pipes go into/out of the cannister. More shut = less flow. (Yes I know that was terrible English! :blush: )
Got two APS2000EFs here, bought in the January sale when it was 20% off, albeit I've still only got one installed (I need to link up my two Blagdon Powersfe junction boxes to give me more "sockets" and its not helping that I'm working six days per week).

Good points...
  • Great price for spec, even at standard price of £75
  • Modular design allows user to easily adjust the length of the inpipe and spraybar (and its postion through the 90 degree bends)
  • Despite being insufficient for larger tanks, the 9W UV should help keep bacterial levels down (it can only kill bacteria in the water that passes through the filter, while any dead spots in the tank could be an untouched breeding ground)
  • Good strong current flow from the outpipe (my Barilius love current surfing in it)
  • The flow can be reduced by adjusting the angle of the hinge by the in/out- pipe junctions (something I learnt on the forum)
Bad points...

  • Far harder to prime and get started again after a water change, compared to my FX5 and 2078 externals
  • The connection between the "shepperds crook" and the inpipe strainer in not very secure on my active one, it can easily loosen a little and then draw air into the filter (as this joint is only partly submersed in my setup)
  • The flow is not very consistant on my active one, it can be a raging torrent for a few seconds, but then often reverts to something more moderate
  • The integrated power lead is rather short, it barely reaches my Blagdon Powersafe junction box above the garage door, with the canister on the floor (plenty of slack in leads for 2078 and FX5)
  • Despite coming with some media (ceramic noodles, balls, foilter pads, carbon?), the baskets could definitely benefit from some more media
  • The "plunger" for removing air bubbles developed a hairline crack very soon after installation, even though I think of myself as someone who looks after things

I still cannot decide on how to setup the outpipe on mine, as not bothering with the spraybar appears to give much more current, but I wonder if less current with possibly more aeration(?) from using the spraybar units would be better! Has anyone else had this dilemma
I still cannot decide on how to setup the outpipe on mine, as not bothering with the spraybar appears to give much more current, but I wonder if less current with possibly more aeration(?) from using the spraybar units would be better! Has anyone else had this dilemma

Got to say my issue with the spray bar was that the pieces were a bit flimsy and not long enough. I had to make my own spraybar out of a piece of garden irrigation hose with self-drilled holes, which I made to fit across the whole of the back of the tank. While I realise they can't provide personalised lengths of spray bar, 2 of the pieces cracked as soon as I put them together, rendering them useless, which annoyed me quite a bit.
I still cannot decide on how to setup the outpipe on mine, as not bothering with the spraybar appears to give much more current, but I wonder if less current with possibly more aeration(?) from using the spraybar units would be better! Has anyone else had this dilemma

Got to say my issue with the spray bar was that the pieces were a bit flimsy and not long enough. I had to make my own spraybar out of a piece of garden irrigation hose with self-drilled holes, which I made to fit across the whole of the back of the tank. While I realise they can't provide personalised lengths of spray bar, 2 of the pieces cracked as soon as I put them together, rendering them useless, which annoyed me quite a bit.

So i'm not the only one who cracked the little spray bar connecting pipe then, had to use some aquarium silicone to try and hold the crack together. Other than that the filter is doing a good job.
I have the 1400L + 9wUV filter...

I have had it for about 2 months now and it replaced my Fluval 205.

My review will start with... you don't get top quality for rock bottom price, though what you do get is a great filter which hasn't caused any problems as of yet.

Reliable (so far)
massive media capacity
UV bulb
even massiver media capacity (not even a word!)
customisation on media
shipped with media
great flow
great results

Media basket handles break easily
Bottom media basket can get stuck making cleaning a bit more effort
Not a seperate plug for UV

The filter is realistically a copy of the Tetratec filters, a good copy none the less. The only real gripe I have and it isn't a major one consider it has only happened once is the priming pump isn't great, the manual claims if it takes more than ONE pump the filter isn't connected properly. Once you get past that fine, you never need to pump again with an external filter because that siphon will always remain going if of course you close the valve when you turn the filter off.

I always leave the UV on, with my tank turning over around 8x an hour (calculating using a bucket and hose to see how much was coming out haha) the UV really doesn't need to be kept on that long in theory I could leave it on for an hour and the tank will be in the ideal world clear of bacteria in the water within minutes. The problem without having another plug is I can't set a timer for the UV only to come on in intervals or even for a few hours a day. It does have a switch a nice little switch and a check tube to make sure the bulb is on and hasn't blown. Other than that and the media baskets nothing wrong

In the end, get the filter if you want one I would suggest going for the 2000 version as the 1400 is great for flow but the spray bar breaks it up a lot and that gives you room for even more filtration without creating tidal waves.
The price is fantastic for what it is.

Word of warning though I would not advise using the valve lock as a way of altering flow, that handle is there to lock hoses in place and to stop flow when you remove the handle. Having it half on/off could quite possibly cause an accident, or it could not. If it's a risk you're willing to take great, if not just leave it on full flow.
Thank You for your opinions on this filter, I was debating myself weather I should get one and I think I will go ahead and bite the bullet. It will be for my 175L 4ft tank. Are you guys finding flow is good around the whole tank with this filter or are you still finding dead spots and using additional pumps to move water around?

Thank You

I was looking at the 2000 litre at £80 would one of these be sufficient filtration for a tank approx 450 litres or would I need 2? Or would a tetra tec filter be better value?

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