I went to my parents' houses for the holidays. They are two hours away so I stayed for ten days. I left my fish in the care of two different friends (one of them would be going to see his family a few days after I left, so I had the other friend come in after he left).
I did a water change before I left and I fed a small meal of flake and algae wafer for my 3 albino BN plecos, 9 peacock gudgeons, and 5 emperor tetras (I planned on adding ten more after my move in February). When I came home, everything in my fridge was frozen solid and the house was chilly. The space heaters were off and there was evidence that it had dropped below freezing indoors (which actually is fairly frequent).
My cherry shrimp tank is fine. No dead bodies. Only thing I am battling in that tank is hair algae growing in my java moss. The water was very cold.
My 35 gallon three footer is not fine. First thing I noticed was my favorite fish dead. Then I noticed an explosion of snails. Then the uneaten algae wafers from the food cups I left for my friends to throw in the tank. And then I saw bodies everywhere in various states of decomposition. The water was cold. Everybody was dead. I pulled out bare skeletons and rotting corpses and my favorite female gudgeon (whose stomach was open so I could see all of her eggs). I pulled out as many fish as possible. I think I got ten or so out of seventeen.
My friend is lying to me about what happened. She said my fish were fine three days ago when she checked the tank. Because I pulled out skeletons, I don't believe her. When I came home the lights in the tank were off the timing schedule. One of the friends had been using the button, so I don't know how long they had been without light which does help with the water temp.
I'm worried now about what to do with this tank. I want to wait to get new fish until after my move in a month. I want to, in the meantime, grow out my plants. I'm worried, though, about all this death. I couldn't find several of my fish. Should I swap substrate? I want to get a better heater before I add fish again. What should I do to clean out the death? I'm getting a new net later.
So how should I get this tank healthy again? Should I re-cycle the tank? Change out media in the filter? What do I do?
I'm assuming the fish died from the cold. I don't think there was any disease.
I did a water change before I left and I fed a small meal of flake and algae wafer for my 3 albino BN plecos, 9 peacock gudgeons, and 5 emperor tetras (I planned on adding ten more after my move in February). When I came home, everything in my fridge was frozen solid and the house was chilly. The space heaters were off and there was evidence that it had dropped below freezing indoors (which actually is fairly frequent).
My cherry shrimp tank is fine. No dead bodies. Only thing I am battling in that tank is hair algae growing in my java moss. The water was very cold.
My 35 gallon three footer is not fine. First thing I noticed was my favorite fish dead. Then I noticed an explosion of snails. Then the uneaten algae wafers from the food cups I left for my friends to throw in the tank. And then I saw bodies everywhere in various states of decomposition. The water was cold. Everybody was dead. I pulled out bare skeletons and rotting corpses and my favorite female gudgeon (whose stomach was open so I could see all of her eggs). I pulled out as many fish as possible. I think I got ten or so out of seventeen.
My friend is lying to me about what happened. She said my fish were fine three days ago when she checked the tank. Because I pulled out skeletons, I don't believe her. When I came home the lights in the tank were off the timing schedule. One of the friends had been using the button, so I don't know how long they had been without light which does help with the water temp.
I'm worried now about what to do with this tank. I want to wait to get new fish until after my move in a month. I want to, in the meantime, grow out my plants. I'm worried, though, about all this death. I couldn't find several of my fish. Should I swap substrate? I want to get a better heater before I add fish again. What should I do to clean out the death? I'm getting a new net later.
So how should I get this tank healthy again? Should I re-cycle the tank? Change out media in the filter? What do I do?
I'm assuming the fish died from the cold. I don't think there was any disease.