All-Of-A-Sudden Bloating?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2013
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Hi guys! So on my female CT she has a lump as in she's been fed too much. My mom was taking care of the fish while I was away for about 3 days. Well, she manages to keep them alive. But her stomach has gotten really big since last time I saw her. (Thursday) I know they said bloated bettas need a cooked pea and to be put in a clear container with no gavel to see when it poops. Is this correct? Please help I don't want anything bad to happen to her! 
Hi, the best thing is to starve her, and if you can get her to take a little bit of vegetable matter this will help, but sometimes they can clear just by being starved for a few days.  If you have a breeder net to put her in she will still have the same water she is used to circulating but not get access to the food when you feed the other fish.  Equally, in a breeder net she can rest away from any potential bully while not feeling 100%.  If possible put a piece of a plant in there so she can rest on it.
If I am going away for a short period I do not have anyone feed my fish, I feel they are better off this way than taking a risk.  Otherwise I make up small containers, like the type you get for crafts/pills and put the required amount for each tank in there.  This ensures the person dealing with the fish does not overfeed, which is a common mistake for anyone who is not a fish person.
Last time I took a tank (it was small) over to a neighbours for a few days, I arrived back to find the water so toxic that a fish was dead and my fighter (Bob) was gasping at the top.  I then decided never again.  Do not blame your Mum, she would have thought she was doing everything right.
Post a picture if you can, and look at her from above to, making sure it does not turn into dropsy.
Oh, and do a WC if not already, as they maybe some uneaten food in the tank rotting.
Fingers and Fins crossed for you and for her.
I agree with RCA.  Fast her for 3 days and then reevaluate.  If she is still bloated, then fast her for 3 more.  Peas are helpful for the laxitive effect they have and if you can get her to take some, then go for it.  Some bettas will not take them so it is up to your betta whether or not she decides to take the offered pea.  If she is in a tank with other fish, then separating her is the best way to achieve the result you want but if she is the only fish in the tank then there is no need to move her.  If you could take pics of her that would definitely help, especially one from you looking down over top of her.
No she's on her own so she's not being bullies (she's kinda the boss anyway.) I gave her a pea and the lump went down a tad so now I just fast her? I put her in a clear container to see if she poops, she did. So I don't think she's constipated but just to be sure I won't add gravel till the lump's completely gone. Thanks for the help!
my 2 females are still very bloated...outlook doesnt look good for mine.

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