All My Yoyo Loaches Are Sick!


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I am having major problems with four of my yoyo loaches. They have recently started acting weirdly, they each have been hiding behind the box on top of the filter tube which is basically the top left corner of the tank (which is a 55 gallon btw). Their skin seems to be peeling, and they have been developing some red splotches. Some have been just laying on their sides gasping, and will ocasionally swim really fast around the tank and then continue the gasping.
We recently purchased two new baby yoyo's a week and a half ago and they seem fine, but I was wondering if they might have brought in a disease? All the other fish in the aquarium are completely fine. I also did water tests and they came back fine too.
I am really worried because one of the yoyo's I have had for 5 years, since I got my first fish tank! He's dear to my heart and this is not looking good.
I had the EXACT same problem early last year and unfortunately they all died. Four of mine would swim up on top of my filter in like 2 cm's of water and just kind of lay there. I knew it was natural for them to "play dead" but i figured something was wrong. I noticed that mine had stopped eating almost everything (algae wafers, pellets etc) the only thing they would eat were live earth worms :/

Mine didnt have any red sploches or flaky skin though, I know that loaches really like to hide in tight locations so that could very well be normal. As a positive I can say that what ever mine had they didnt pass it on to any of my other fish.

Yoyo's dont react very well to med's so I would be careful dosing them, my advice is quite limited but I know how you feel because I felt so helpless watching mine.

There is quite a small amount of information on the internet about loaches particularly Yoyos. Im not sure if your familiar with the Loach Almanac website? no doubt alot of people on here have been on it. Prehaps you could email one of the admins, they seem to have a abundance of information on all loaches.

I was considering buying some new ones for my tank when it is redone, hopefully you will figure out what is wrong with them so If i ever have the problem again I will know what to do.
I don't think the splotches are normal because they just got them while being sick. They just look awful whilst acting awful :(
Yeah, don't you just hate that helpless feeling?
I'll check that website out immediately, thanks :)
I hope I figure out what's wrong too, they're my favorite fish.

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