Mostly New Member
Bit of a disaster in the fish tank. I say all the fish are dead, but there are two danios remaining.
Tank details:
200L Tank
Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrite: 0.0
Nitrate: 40
Ph: 7.4
Temperature: 28C
Filter: Fluval 405
Angels x2
Glowlight Tetra x10
Mollys x2
Danios x2
What happened: I just went to feed to fish in the upstairs room (first time I have been in there today), and I noticed all the fish except the danios were dead. My first thought was ammonia, but after doing all the tests the water checked out fine.
Two weeks ago my old filter in the tank packed in, and I had to replace it with a spare Fluval 405. I also took the opportunity to put in some new fake plants and 3 new ornaments all brought from Pets at Home. All of this was thoroughly cleaned with de-chlorinated plain water before going into the tank. These have been in for 2 weeks with no signs of negatively affecting the tank or fish.
For some reason the old media didn't fully take in the Fluval 405 and the next day I had a huge ammonia spike of 1.5. (A brisltenose and a molly died during this). I did a large water change and put a x5 dose of Seachem Prime in the tank. I took some media from my other tank and added that to the Fluval 405. By the next morning the water parameters were stable again. The water parameters have been fine since then which is two whole weeks.
So I'm at a bit of a lose as to why the fish died today. Part of me thinks it might be the heat - I found the fish at 21:00 I've no idea when they died, I haven't checked on them since I fed them last night, when everything seemed fine. It's possible that the temperature in the tank hit 30C during the day, but I would have thought the fish could cope with that...even though it is a bit high.
Anyone have any ideas as to what could have gone wrong?
EDIT: I forgot to add that the remaining danios are breathing at the surface of the tank.
Tank details:
200L Tank
Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrite: 0.0
Nitrate: 40
Ph: 7.4
Temperature: 28C
Filter: Fluval 405
Angels x2
Glowlight Tetra x10
Mollys x2
Danios x2
What happened: I just went to feed to fish in the upstairs room (first time I have been in there today), and I noticed all the fish except the danios were dead. My first thought was ammonia, but after doing all the tests the water checked out fine.
Two weeks ago my old filter in the tank packed in, and I had to replace it with a spare Fluval 405. I also took the opportunity to put in some new fake plants and 3 new ornaments all brought from Pets at Home. All of this was thoroughly cleaned with de-chlorinated plain water before going into the tank. These have been in for 2 weeks with no signs of negatively affecting the tank or fish.
For some reason the old media didn't fully take in the Fluval 405 and the next day I had a huge ammonia spike of 1.5. (A brisltenose and a molly died during this). I did a large water change and put a x5 dose of Seachem Prime in the tank. I took some media from my other tank and added that to the Fluval 405. By the next morning the water parameters were stable again. The water parameters have been fine since then which is two whole weeks.
So I'm at a bit of a lose as to why the fish died today. Part of me thinks it might be the heat - I found the fish at 21:00 I've no idea when they died, I haven't checked on them since I fed them last night, when everything seemed fine. It's possible that the temperature in the tank hit 30C during the day, but I would have thought the fish could cope with that...even though it is a bit high.
Anyone have any ideas as to what could have gone wrong?
EDIT: I forgot to add that the remaining danios are breathing at the surface of the tank.