I have a 10 gal tank I established in August. Have had NO problems whatsoever. I did lose a couple of neon tetras, but it was within a day of buying them. Ok, last week I decided to add 2 more neon tetras (I only had one for quite some time & know they are schooling). I bought 2 tetras and a gold mystery snail..also some algae fix...put the fish in, the next day I had 2 dead guppies and 2 dead tetras...I cleaned the tank thinking ammonia might be the issue...then 3 more of my fish died.. I called pet store, one employee told me it could be the algae fix (same thing had happened to her). The only thing that didn't die was the snail... I have since taken EVERYTHING out, cleaned it all, and am cycling tank (about 5 days now). Y'day I noticed some white goop coming off snail--sort of stringing off it). Thought it was snail poo. Today there are white globs of goo stuck to my tank. I have looked at egg sac pics online, and it looks nothing like that..plus it's under water line. Any ideas?? I want to restock the aquarium, but only when I am sure it's safe... Also, tested water today and all ranges are right where they should be. Oh! And the last fish to die? It looked like one side of it's body had been eaten away by acid..literally, even it's left fin was just the bony protrusions. Any ideas? Especially on the white slime? I treid to get a pic of the goo, but it just came out really blurry.