algea eater


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
Flagstaff, Arizona
i was wondering what the best kind of algea eater would be for a 29 gallon tank, i would like it to eat algea, unlike some plecos. also i dont have a lot of money to spend on a fish :/ , so one that is under $10 would be best, i cant spend 30-40 dollars on a fish that there are no garentees on. the tank has been set up for a year and a half and currently has guppies in it, -_- but i am planing on switching them out for some tetras.

any help is appresiated! :D
thanx, Jenny
Welcome to the forum Jenny. :)

You could get a Bristlenose Catfish.

They are small and peaceful to other fish. 1 can keep your aquarium algea-free with no problems.

You'll probably have to get some algea wafers to supplement it's diet tho as after the initial cleaning he will keep it so clean that he won't have enough to eat afterwards.
Otocinclus cats are good little algae eaters, stay small, live peacefully with anything that won't try to make a meal out of them, and are inexpensive. You could probably get three for your ten bux. They're very happy living in a little group. I recently added three to my guppy tank, and they're fantastic. As smb said about the bristlenose, these little guys require dietary supplements in the form of algae wafers because they quickly remove every trace of it from your tank.

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