alge eater


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
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I have a tank that is getting filled up with alge and I dont want to go out and get alge killr because I have an alge eater in my other tank... My question is can I put my alge eater in the alge tank cause it has a betta in there.... will the betta attack it?? The tank that the alge eater is in now has a gourami in it and they seem to get along pretty well. I know gouramis and betta are in the same group kinda and if the gourami didnt bother the alge eater the betta shouldnt either right??? :unsure:
I'm not sure what type of alge eater it is.. but i'm moving it to another 10 gallon tank and its in the same room as the one hes in so they should be the same temp.
If your moving it to a 10g, I think you would be fine. I would just watch closely to see how the betta reacts when you introduce the algea eater.

I had a betta in a 10g community, he had to be removed because the neon tetras kept nipping his fins.
ok well im not worried about the alge eater nipping but the betta nipping the agle eater.

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