I don't think you're going to find anything that will eat cyanobacteria (while it's still active/alive anyway). But I just got overrun with this stuff not too long ago and I tried "blacking out" my tank and all the other advice you'll find online. Nothing worked until I just went with plain old erythromycin (antibiotic). That stuff killed it all dead almost instantly. It PROBABLY did a number on the beneficial bacteria in my tank too, but I didn't see an issue (it helps if you don't measure nitrates - it's all about plausiblie deniability, but I digress).
Granted, my tank wasn't stocked at the time so if the death of my beneficial bacteria sent my nitrates/nitrites skyrocketing . . . no one would have been there to experience it. But I didn't wait too long after the treatment and associated water changes before I threw some guppies and ghost shirmp (a/k/a guinea pigs) and they're all still in there today, so . . . I'm assuming the healthy bacteria bounced back fairly well. No new cyanobacteria though, which is nice.
Also, the ghost shrimp did eat the dead, grey cyanobacteria/leaf sludge things that were left after the antibiotic treatment with no visible ill effects to their health or digestion.