Algae Issues Making Me Move To The Dark Side..........


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
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So as some of you will be aware, I am having a few algae issues in my tank:

I have ordered my supplies, so they should be here shortly - I'm not going pressurised yet!


What do you folks do if you want to go away for a few days?

We live out in the sticks, and rarely get away as husband has a 24/7 job, however I was hoping to get away for a week in the summer (if I can blindfold husband and kidnap him) so me & children can experience some 'family time' ha ha violins playing yes!

So - do you have certain folk you trust to treat tank correctly, as I say I'm not going pressurised but what would I do?

My brother in law sometimes stays in the house to dog and hawk sit. But he may feel daunted with my new tank regime.......

I'm starting to look forward to it myself :D
In your case, simply double dose your macros and micros on the last couple of days before you go away and reduce your photoperiod to about 5 hours a day whilst your away. Thats it. When you come back, up your photo period again and carry on dosing as normal:)
Aha ideal!

Right, better get my blindfold out :D
Hahaha hope you have a good time:)

Oh by the way, DONT double dose your carbon! Just dose what iv set for you up until the last day then again daily opon your return:)
If I wanted to grow plants I'd do it outside :p
No, Guess you don't do much gardening rofl.
techen said:
No, Guess you don't do much gardening rofl.
No i actually HATE gardening unless its the underwater kind lol

And whos rofl? Lol

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