What size is your tank? What are your water stats? Is it cycled? How long has it been up and running? Do you change your filter media?
buy a couple oto cats and ammano skrimps and see what happens..
What size is your tank? What are your water stats? Is it cycled? How long has it been up and running? Do you change your filter media?
bbbwwwwaaaa haaaaahahhaaa..
buy a couple oto cats and ammano skrimps and see what happens..
What size is your tank? What are your water stats? Is it cycled? How long has it been up and running? Do you change your filter media?
bbbwwwwaaaa haaaaahahhaaa..
Kinda looks like hair/blanket-weed algae which (as far as I'm aware) isn't consumed by any/many fish or shrimp, especially in such an advanced state. This is a pretty bad recommendation and Man of Fish was asking whether the tank was cycled and about the stats because excess ammonia, nitrites and nitrates will cause algae spikes and these can be caused by an uncycled tank; changing the media too much at a time can and will reverse the cycling effect on a tank.
The answer you gave was most unhelpful and somewhat obnoxious.
They will only clean certain types of algae. My stats are
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 nitrate (just did a w/c)
7.2 ph
Hardness is soft-medium
They will only clean certain types of algae. My stats are
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 nitrate (just did a w/c)
7.2 ph
Hardness is soft-medium
sorry, don't believe you.. unless you're using calibrated equipment, you don't know what your stats are.. your numbers has no meaning..