Albino Bristlenose Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
I noticed yesterday that from one side of my Plecs mouth it had like a white mucus stuck on it - does anyone know what this is and if it needs treating? :/
are you sure it wasn't the little ball of 'cheek spikes' that they can produce from the side of their mouths?
It looked like it was coming from the 'cheek spikes'....haha.
He seems fine now though?!
When the cheek spikes protrude is that a warning to other fish?
it's normally more of a warning to other fish as they aren't considered an aggressive species......unless it's the males fighting each other.
My BN scared me earlier, he had the spikes out for a while and then just layed still for about 5 minutes... I thought he had died :lol: He jumped up in a big cloud of sand a while after though, like he does

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