Aggressive Pleco???

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Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2022
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Panhandle of florida
Well, I have a 125 gal tank it's 6 feet long. The inhabitants are 5 silver dollars, two 1 year old Oscar's, ( breeding pair) and if course Mr. Grumps. The Sailfin pleco. About 14" long. They all have been together since we got them they have been in 3 tanks. Started out with a 36 gal bow. Quickly moved to a 60 gal. And within 2 months the 125 gal. It really is amazing to watch the interactions. They literally play with each other. Especially the female Oscar and the pleco. ( female as well) .
Here lately the Pleco has obviously become tank boss. He gives the Oscar's problems when they come down to his side of the tank yo watch the neighbors. A 75 gal with 3 S.D 2 severumns , electric blue acara and another pleco. I'm afraid the Oscar's might get fed up with him one day and when we are not looking. Kill the pleco. It's so cool, if they are doing something bad, say messing with the intake. Just point your finger at them and say "No" and the go sulk somewhere. Anyways. Is the Pleco big enough to fend them off? Or will I have a problem.?


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If a war breaks out it’ll be the Oscars you need to worry about. They’re all bluff, and they’ll panic if the plec starts scraping and spiking them to death. But I doubt it’ll come to that. The Oscars would run away and cower at the first realisation that the plec can damage them. They can’t do much in return to a big armoured catfish.
And I’ve never heard of a Pterygoplichthys turning rogue like the old Hypostomus ‘commons’ occasionally did.
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Give the plecos a bunch more cover where it can go and hide in peace and it will make things less confrontational. Male plecos claim territory. Most cichlids will fight anything if they are in spawning mode.

edited to fix a typo.
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