today i have had to move a female sunset platy for my 10 gallon.She has been attacking a 4 inch angel fish,is this level or aggression normal ? what should i do ? thanks for any help guys
They can get protective of their space. I supply my daughter with all her platy's. She went out without my knowledge and bought a pineapple sunset platy and put it in her tank. But morning it was dead. The other 2 killed it right away. They almost form a gang and won't let outsiders in. I can't say it is "normal" but it does happen. Just give him a TIME OUT in another tank. or put a divider in there to keep them seperated for awhile.
thanks the platies in a 8 x 3 x 4 inch hospital tank as in the 10 gallon it's a bit too small for 2 angels + plus the platies,a divider would be taking the mick tbh thank for the advice though i'll keep her in there for a few more days.thanks Alex
thanks the platies in a 8 x 3 x 4 inch hospital tank as in the 10 gallon it's a bit too small for 2 angels + plus the platies,a divider would be taking the mick tbh thank for the advice though i'll keep her in there for a few more days.thanks Alex
Angels prefer being with other angels so no doubt putting the platies in would cause conflict. I suggest returning it and maybe rethinking about stock :3
Sometimes you can just get a hold of an aggressive fish or there are conditions in the tank that make an otherwise happy fish grumpy. I agree with techen that this might just be a case where you need to return it.
Aggressive platy? This behaviour should go away in a while. I've had an aggressive swordtail, maybe yours has a lot of swordtail genes. These two species have been interbred for a long time. Platies are quite peaceful normally. Other than that, make sure there's no ammonia/nitrItes in the water or something similar as this can cause them to flip and nip Do a water change just in case. She's just angry over something...