African Leaf Fish?


Aug 28, 2005
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Not sure if these are actually oddballs, but I had a hard time finding much information on them. It's in the brackish section of my LFS, and one lady told me they get about 10", another guy said 4" or 5". My guess would be they get pretty big, but I really have no idea. It's kind of a cool looking fish, and I don't necessarily want to buy it, but I'd just like some more info. Anyone got any? :)

EDIT: BTW, I did see the leaf fish in the oddballs index, but it doesn't really look like that. The body shape is right, but the colors are much different. It's almost silver... Maybe just a different coloration (it mentioned the color could change).
This fish probably isn't the same as the one in the fish index (Because the Schomburgk's leaf fish is from south america.

However, if it is a leaf fish, it shouldn't get over 4-5" and won't eat anything but live food. IMO, they are interesting fish, but it's not worth having them if you can't get a very steady supply of feeders going. They don't move much either, so they can get boring.

A good substitute for a leaf fish would be the Ctenopoma acutirostre, or Leopard bushfish. They will eat most food, not just live, and they look like leaf fish. These anabantoides do get to about 8" however :)
Ah, thanks for the reply. At my LFS it was in the back of the tank, almost resting on the gravel, not moving at all really. It did look a little boring :) I guess it'd be interesting to watch it eat though...

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