Fish Fanatic
guys today, my fish started to look ill. I have had suspicions of this over the past two days, but he has always managed to hide this very well. He developed noticeable white spots on him and for the first time, he is now up on the top of the tank by the filter as if he is searching for air. This is not normal for this fish until around 30 minutes ago i have never seen this.. His tank mate is the identical fish of him same size and he is doing just fine, swimming with all fins up and happy with no white spots or anything, he however the "sick fish" is not doing well. I have noticed some noticeable brown algea today develop start to stain the decor. It has formed rather quickly. I have tested the water and the test results are as followed according the the api freshwater test kit system.
amonia-.25- I understand this may be high but i did the calculation on the calculation chart and the results came back below harmful level
ph-7.8 which is low for this fish, but i did not want to do drastic change to increase the ph.
nitrite- 0
nitrate-30 ish
he is eating, and swimming around. 40 minutes ago, he looked as if everything was normal and now for the first time i see him at towards the top of the tank.
He is an African Orange Cichilid.
please advise on what i should do
I am still new to fish keeping so please be gentle. I am looking for some sort of action I can take now to help this fish.
Thank you,