

Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Evening all!

I am wanting to start with live plants! Ive never tried before so after some advice on some beginner-ish plants

Now im wanting them for 2 diff tanks!

1st will be my recently aquired 30l biorb with sand substrate (with freestanding filter) which is gonna have a betta in so would like a mix of floaty and rooted types i believe theyll need to be hardy with the light mot being the best on these??

2nd will be my 60l tank which is currently housing mollies a platy and a betta so again a mix but this one will get plenty of light as its near a window! Im wanting to get some cories to add a bit more life to this so will rooted ones be ok?

Apologies for the essay!!
For the betta tank why not try some good begginer plants such as java fern and anubias tied to rocks or drift wood, mine are growing crazy in my low light set up and some flourish ferts, and for the the plants in the sand some good root tabs could make up for the light situation
What Nikki said.
And be wary of putting a tank near a window - You might find this gives too much light - Leading to a lack of CO2 - ending in algae.

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