Advice On This Carpeting Plant (Ug)


Jan 20, 2011
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So I had two pots of utricularia Graminifolia delivered at work today and was wondering what advice you guys have in keeping/allowing it to flourish. It looks a lot greener than pictured, on camera there seems to have a lot of white strands.

I placed a large section at the front which will be partially shaded by a large amazon sword


And some clumps towards the back

I love this plant, but as you're probably aware, it is notoriously hard to grow and ime/0 even the true experts don't know what makes this plant flourish. Some say really soft water, some say don't feed it n and p, some say feed n & p heavily. It deffo needs a good co2 source and good flow. I wish I could help out more, but it's trial and error with this one.
Heres a good thread regarding the needs of UG
You're right ianho

I can't find any uniform info on how to grow it. There appears to be a difference on light ie start low and then increase, but even that is disputed. I have finger crossed that i'll find someone who has some experience with it.

Fingers crossed I guess...
I came across a thread calling this plant the "Holy grail" of carpeting plants which means given my previous failures with carpeting plants my chances are slimmer than I once thought. Though with that said I've found a smidgen of more info that might be useful...

The first being that it grows best in established tanks (due to it being carnivorous) as opposed to new setup where the organisms it feeds on are less established. The second bif of useful info I found was that most who have grown it successfully say it takes two months to establish. If you can get it to two weeks without dying off apparently it starts to grow at a furious pace...

Though on monday I found my female Honey gorami "fatty" eating one side of the biggest patch I planted so I may have to remove her.


well done for getting it this far. :good:

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