Advice On Tank Mates For Angle Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2012
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I am looking to stock tank with a few angle fish as my center piece fish. Would like just a couple tank mates. I have just change substrate to sand. I would like  some mates that will be lower in the tank to keep the bottom cleaned up.  Then maybe just a few more to off set angles. I have a 55 gallon. 
Thanks for and suggestions 
Sterbai cories, perhaps? :)
You said "few" angels (well, okay, you said angles, and they are acute fish, but I don't want to be obtuse about these things, even though it's a natural reflex for me. THere, that's got all the obvious jokes out of the way).
Anyway a few angels - you need to have at least 6, OR a single fish, OR a mating pair, OR there will be a problem. Angels like to choose their own partners, so just lumping a male and a female in together and hoping for the best isn't really an option. Just a few of them, and they will fight and bicker, and basically the strongest one will kill the others. In a large group, the bully will spread his/her attentions around the group, so no individual fish will suffer too much.
the_lock_man said:
You said "few" angels (well, okay, you said angles, and they are acute fish, but I don't want to be obtuse about these things, even though it's a natural reflex for me. THere, that's got all the obvious jokes out of the way).
Anyway a few angels - you need to have at least 6, OR a single fish, OR a mating pair, OR there will be a problem. Angels like to choose their own partners, so just lumping a male and a female in together and hoping for the best isn't really an option. Just a few of them, and they will fight and bicker, and basically the strongest one will kill the others. In a large group, the bully will spread his/her attentions around the group, so no individual fish will suffer too much.
yrs I planned on getting at least 6. I am looking on what tank mates to go along with them that can be more bottom feeders to keep tank clean and my sand moved around a bit. 
It's your job to keep the tank clean, not the fishes

To move the sand perhaps some malaysian trumpet snails? I think that's what they're called..
Sterbai cories do dig around in the sand but not as deeply as the snails. Both should still be provided their own food though.
I have cory's & trumpet snails in my angel tank for the bottom.

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