Advice on next fish please


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Guildford, UK
I have a 27.5 gallon tank stocked with

2 baby bristlenose plecs
8 zebra danios
5 green tiger barbs

All perfecty happy - water readings are all OK for PH, nitrites and nitrates

I am looking for something slightly larger than the tigers - ideally discus but I am not sure if they would be compatible with the tigers

My wife wants a siamese fighting fish - but again the tigers are a problem

Looking for something equally stunning - any thoughts?

Thank you
I would say the tank is already stocked to it limits with the current fish; if you want more variety i would exchange some of the zebra danios for different types of danios like pearl danios or rehome the tiger barbs and go for some livebearers like mollys or platys which come in many different colors- particually platys which come in almost every color fish can come in; you shouldn't have a problem with fry as the danios will eat them.
There's still room in that tank for sure.

You absolutely have room for bottom feeders, since danio's are top dwellers and the barbs are mid (though they end up everywhere). Some catfish or loaches would be a nice addition.

If you're looking for a single larger centerpiece fish, perhaps a medium sized gourami will do the trick. Discus are no good for that tank regardless of the barbs, but there are other cichlids of 5-7" that would work for you (assuming you're keeping just one). If you're interested I can drop a few names for you.

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