Advice On Breeding Fundulopanchax Gardneri


New Member
Mar 5, 2009
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so i took the plunge and i am now the owner of 2 male and 2 female Fundulopanchax gardneri gold.
i was wondering would it be better to keep two pairs separate from each other or keep two females and one male together for breeding.
After much reading i decided to get fish to start with as oppose to eggs,
But now im considering buying eggs but would like some recommendations on some for a beginner to start with.
could someone please tell me at what age Fundulopanchax gardneri become sexually mature.
Read this
This will give you some idea of what's required.

As for your question, you can go with either method
Possibly a better way would be to divide a tank into 3 sections.
with male / 2 females / male
You can then use each male from time to time and take them out again.
This would give the parties involved respite from the constant chasing.
You would have to collect the eggs daily from the middle section where you have the females and spawning mops.
I wouldn't buy any more eggs because if you are successful with the GAR you'll have tubs of eggs and fry everywhere
more than enough to cope with for now methinks

Remember these fish jump, so a tight fitting lid/coverglass is essential
thanks for the reply guess i should have used the search button :blush: ,
many thanks anyway i think i will split the tank into three

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