I have a 30 Gal cycled tank, readings are constant and within acceptable range. pH is a little high at 8 to 8.2 but I can't really change that easily..
Over the last while I have noticed that my fish have displayed symptoms of various illnesses, from what I believe to be ick to some sort of body fungus. Maybe it's just one illness, but I don't know..... It's been going on for a few months now. It seems to display different symptoms in each species of fish in my tank that gets it....(Unless it's multiple illnesses, in which case I don't understand why each species appears to have different symptoms)
I don't understand why because I keep up on water changes and my water parameters are acceptable.
My tank has:
1 Female Pearl Gourami: Displaying mild hair like fungus or worms (Current, not sure how to treat it)
1 BNP: healthy
5 Panda Corys: At times scratch against ornaments but otherwise healthy, lost one to a mystery illness, his tummy appeared to hemorrhage (Only 1 death of 6 corys)
2 Platy's: One appears to be wasting away while the other appears healthy. (Had three go this way in the last 6 months)
1 Pearl Danio: I've had trouble establishing them in the tank, I've lost about five to a mysterious illness: (they are fine, then start having trouble swimming for a day and they die.) When i take them out they appear to have an internal problem, their tummies seem to have hemorrhaged. I decided I didn't want to watch the others die so I caught all that I could and re-homed them. I couldn't catch this last one
I think it's all one illness because at least 6 fish have died and had what appeared to be a hemorrhage of the stomach. I've had three platys waste away with one appearing to do the same as we speak. They don't appear to have a stomach hemorrhage but I would still consider this an internal problem, possibly a parasite?
I'm almost at my wit's end. Seriously, I want my tank to be healthy and happy again, I'm almost to the point of re-homing (Or putting down if need be
) all the fish that I can and then just dumping a load of salt in the tank and turning the heater up to full and leaving it for a month. (And just hoping that the shrimp and snails can tolerate salt and warm water)
I feel like it may be some sort of parasite but I can't find anything that matches the symptoms I'm seeing...
If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do I would really appreciate it!!
Over the last while I have noticed that my fish have displayed symptoms of various illnesses, from what I believe to be ick to some sort of body fungus. Maybe it's just one illness, but I don't know..... It's been going on for a few months now. It seems to display different symptoms in each species of fish in my tank that gets it....(Unless it's multiple illnesses, in which case I don't understand why each species appears to have different symptoms)
I don't understand why because I keep up on water changes and my water parameters are acceptable.
My tank has:
1 Female Pearl Gourami: Displaying mild hair like fungus or worms (Current, not sure how to treat it)
1 BNP: healthy
5 Panda Corys: At times scratch against ornaments but otherwise healthy, lost one to a mystery illness, his tummy appeared to hemorrhage (Only 1 death of 6 corys)
2 Platy's: One appears to be wasting away while the other appears healthy. (Had three go this way in the last 6 months)
1 Pearl Danio: I've had trouble establishing them in the tank, I've lost about five to a mysterious illness: (they are fine, then start having trouble swimming for a day and they die.) When i take them out they appear to have an internal problem, their tummies seem to have hemorrhaged. I decided I didn't want to watch the others die so I caught all that I could and re-homed them. I couldn't catch this last one

I think it's all one illness because at least 6 fish have died and had what appeared to be a hemorrhage of the stomach. I've had three platys waste away with one appearing to do the same as we speak. They don't appear to have a stomach hemorrhage but I would still consider this an internal problem, possibly a parasite?
I'm almost at my wit's end. Seriously, I want my tank to be healthy and happy again, I'm almost to the point of re-homing (Or putting down if need be

I feel like it may be some sort of parasite but I can't find anything that matches the symptoms I'm seeing...
If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do I would really appreciate it!!