Fish Fanatic
I have had my Aqua one 220L tank set up for nearly 11 months now and loving it, ok i have had the odd disaster and lost a few fish but overall i have enjoyed it throughly. Anyway when a chance of a 5ft (472L) tank with mahogany cabinet and a Eheim filter came along i quickly hired a van and went and collected it and at the moment it is in my garage. This new tank will be in full view in my lounge and not hidden away like my 220L. The questions i need to ask is i will be moving it into the house from the garage in a couple of weeks and will be using sand substrate instead of gravel which i use in the 220L i honestly think it will be better for my army of Corys i have. Is there a good way to stop the sand going everywhere when i attempt to fill my new tank, also i will be changing external filter as i have a Fluval 306 on my 220L and it will be too small for my new tank and was giving a Ehein 2075 with the tank so i will be using the Eheim and what i was going to do is set the Eheim up in my old tank a week before alongside the Fluval 306 so it can get some bacteria inside the media then transfer it to my new tank. Also shall i use any of the old water from my 220L to fill my new tank or simply use fresh dechlorinated water, Finally i use a external heater on my 220L tank (Eth300) and i was going to use it on my new tank but also put a internal 300W heater in the opposite corner, will that be ok...Lots of question sorry .....Regards